ELEVATED TEMPERATURE LIQUID, N.O.S., at or above 100 °C and below its flash-point (including molten metals, molten salts, etc.), filled at a temperature higher than 190 °C
9, III, (D)

Data for UN 3257, ELEVATED TEMPERATURE LIQUID, N.O.S., at or above 100 °C and below its flash-point (including molten metals, molten salts, etc.), filled at a temperature higher than 190 °C

UN-number 3257
Name ELEVATED TEMPERATURE LIQUID, N.O.S., at or above 100 °C and below its flash-point (including molten metals, molten salts, etc.), filled at a temperature higher than 190 °C
Class 9
Classification M9
Packing group III
Labels 9
Danger number 99
Transport category 3
Tunnel code (D)
Special provisions 274 643 668
Limited quantity 0
Excepted quantity E0
Packing instructions P099 IBC99
Special packing provisions
Mixed packing provisions
Portable tank and bulk container instructions T3
Portable tank and bulk container special provisions TP3 TP29
Tank codes for ADR tanks LGAV
Special provisions for ADR tanks TU35 TC7 TE6 TE14 TE18 TE24
Vehicle for tank carriage AT
Special provisions for carriage: Packages
Special provisions for carriage: Bulk VC3 AP11
Special provisions for carriage: Loading and unloading
Special provisions for carriage: Operation