PESTICIDE, LIQUID, FLAMMABLE, TOXIC, N.O.S., flash-point less than 23 °C
3 (6.1), II, (D/E)

Data for UN 3021, PESTICIDE, LIQUID, FLAMMABLE, TOXIC, N.O.S., flash-point less than 23 °C

UN-number 3021
Name PESTICIDE, LIQUID, FLAMMABLE, TOXIC, N.O.S., flash-point less than 23 °C
Class 3
Classification FT2
Packing group II
Labels 3+6.1
Danger number 336
Transport category 2
Tunnel code (D/E)
Special provisions 61 274
Limited quantity 1 L
Excepted quantity E2
Packing instructions P001 IBC02 R001
Special packing provisions
Mixed packing provisions MP19
Portable tank and bulk container instructions T11
Portable tank and bulk container special provisions TP2 TP27
Tank codes for ADR tanks L4BH
Special provisions for ADR tanks TU15
Vehicle for tank carriage FL
Special provisions for carriage: Packages
Special provisions for carriage: Bulk
Special provisions for carriage: Loading and unloading CV13 CV28
Special provisions for carriage: Operation S2 S22