PAINT (including paint, lacquer, enamel, stain, shellac, varnish, polish, liquid filler and liquid lacquer base) or PAINT RELATED MATERIAL (including paint thinning and reducing compound) (having a flash- point below 23 °C and viscous according to (vapour pressure at 50 °C not more than 110 kPa) (9dn20gb6z)
3, III, (E)

Data for UN 1263, PAINT (including paint, lacquer, enamel, stain, shellac, varnish, polish, liquid filler and liquid lacquer base) or PAINT RELATED MATERIAL (including paint thinning and reducing compound) (having a flash- point below 23 °C and viscous according to (vapour pressure at 50 °C not more than 110 kPa) (9dn20gb6z)

UN-number 1263
Name PAINT (including paint, lacquer, enamel, stain, shellac, varnish, polish, liquid filler and liquid lacquer base) or PAINT RELATED MATERIAL (including paint thinning and reducing compound) (having a flash- point below 23 °C and viscous according to (vapour pressure at 50 °C not more than 110 kPa) (9dn20gb6z)
Class 3
Classification F1
Packing group III
Labels 3
Danger number
Transport category 3
Tunnel code (E)
Special provisions 163 367 650
Limited quantity 5 L
Excepted quantity E1
Packing instructions P001 IBC02 R001
Special packing provisions PP1 BB4
Mixed packing provisions MP19
Portable tank and bulk container instructions
Portable tank and bulk container special provisions
Tank codes for ADR tanks
Special provisions for ADR tanks
Vehicle for tank carriage
Special provisions for carriage: Packages
Special provisions for carriage: Bulk
Special provisions for carriage: Loading and unloading
Special provisions for carriage: Operation S2