AMMUNITION, ILLUMINATING with or without burster, expelling charge or propelling charge
1.2G, (B1000C)
The amount is the net mass of the explosive substance in kg

Data for UN 0171, AMMUNITION, ILLUMINATING with or without burster, expelling charge or propelling charge

UN-number 0171
Name AMMUNITION, ILLUMINATING with or without burster, expelling charge or propelling charge
Class 1
Classification 1.2G
Packing group
Labels 1
Danger number
Transport category 1
Tunnel code (B1000C)
Special provisions
Limited quantity 0
Excepted quantity E0
Packing instructions P130 LP101
Special packing provisions PP67 L1
Mixed packing provisions MP23
Portable tank and bulk container instructions
Portable tank and bulk container special provisions
Tank codes for ADR tanks
Special provisions for ADR tanks
Vehicle for tank carriage
Special provisions for carriage: Packages V2
Special provisions for carriage: Bulk
Special provisions for carriage: Loading and unloading CV1 CV2 CV3
Special provisions for carriage: Operation S1